"I've never been anywhere else, but here, nothing has ever screwed me out of here. In the very same way, the child who, nowadays heard how it was found after a cabbage, finally comes to mind in which corner of the garden it happened and how he lived there before coming to the world. "
This is the short passage from the musical drama „Neįvardijamasis“. Absurd performance was created by a large group of young Lithuanian musicians, performers and video artists during the art residency time in „Idėjų Upė“. The musical drama "Neįvardijamasis" based on the S. Beckett novel „L‘Innomable“ was created by musician, vocalist, composer and this performance director Ieva Marija Baranauskaitė, drummer Arnas Mikalkėnas, double-bassist Eugenijus Kanevičius and the project leader Armantas Gečiauskas. The premiere of the contemporary performance took place in the festival "Urban Art". The novel "Unnamed" by the absurd classics S. Bekkett was shown at the new bus station in Raseinai city.
The project was funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania