Composer, Music Arranger, Lyricist, Vocalist, Keyboardist, Performer, Music Improviser, Sound Engineer, Sound Designer, Music Director, Educator, Event Coordinator, Manager
ỸRÀ it's a theater, dance and music performance inspired by the restless transformations of nature and human life. Everything is always yrà (eng. being), or ỹra (eng. falling apart). It disappears and it appear again. Death and birth are an integral part of nature and man. In the past, death was considered as an updater. It was related
with new beginning, with the rebirth of nature, spring and new born babies. By eliminating old, dead forms, death continuously spins the wheel of eternity. Being is continuous forever.

Half of human life consists of higher or lower deaths - bereavements, losses, farewells and defeats. The next part of life consists of discoveries, meetings, achievements and greetings. Even with breathing, we constantly die when we exhale, and when we inhale everytime we bornagain. Everything flowing, everything changes, everything is apearing with the purpose to disapear again. The lithuanian word ỸRÀ has two meanings. If you will put the accent in the beginning it means the decomposition process, but if you will put the accent in the end of the word, it weans to exist.

Collaborative artists:
Ieva Marija Baranauskaitė, LT
Clotilde Solange Rigaud, FR
Aleksandr Špilevoj, LT
Eglė Prokopavičiūtė, LT
Irena Kunevičiūtė, LT
Jonas Braškys, LT
Laura Švedaitė, LT

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