Pound Cake Time Travel Inc.
(2016 to 2017)
"Pound Cake Time Travel Inc." it's a contemporary music, photography and painting art synthesis based project. The idea of this project was to create live performance in which the musicians was following the live instalation of painting and photography and created the musical atmosphere for the moving pictures. The performance was presented in 2017 on the 8th of September, in Germany. "Pound Cake Time Travel Inc." was performed in six different locations, such as art galleries, town hall, old stores, castles and mines.
The first meeting of the artists was in Vilnius (Lithuania) in the artist residence "Menų Inkubatorius", where lithuanian painter Anna Polukord, lithianian composer and improvisor Ieva Marija Baranauskaitė and german photographer Rudiger Eichholtz was working on visual material and the musical concept of the performance. Second session took place in Moers (Germany) in the artist residence "SLFK Stadt Land Fluss Kultur". Here artists met other participants, explored the possible venues and prepared the instalations for the performance.
Project participants:
Ieva Marija Baranauskaitė: compositions, vocal improvisations.
John-Dennis Renken: trumpet
Anna Polukord: paintings, instalations.
Rudiger Eichholtz: photoraphy, instalation.
Andre Meisner: alto saxophone.
Rokas Beliukevičius: drums, percussion
Justinas Žilys: el. guitar
The project was partly supported by Goethe Institut, Vilnius City Municipality, Fasel Stiftung, Festival Moers, Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Galerie Schürmann, Kunststiftung NRW, VHS Moers - Kamp-Lintfort, Hochschulstadt Kamp-Lintfort and Sparkasse Duisburg.
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